Variations of Roe for Cultivation

Roe is the fully ripe internal egg masses in the ovaries, or the released external egg masses, of fish and certain marine animals such as shrimp, scallop, sea urchins and squid. Roe can be used both as a cooked ingredient in many dishes and as a source for the Cultivation. It generally means the Fish Eggs. Aqua Farmers are very particular on the Roe that need to be cultivated. As the roe decides the breed of the Fish and Shrimp. Fish roe is a term for female fish eggs. It can come from trout, mackerel, salmon and other fish. Many people wonder, are fish eggs good for you? Fish eggs have grown in popularity as they are loaded with body-nourishing nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12, just to name a few. However, fish roe is high in cholesterol, so those watching their salt intake should be wary. Also featured in many flavorful recipes, fish roe is an affordable option for those looking to incorporate something similar to caviar into their diet.

The Popular Fish Species in the Market at present are:

  • IMC - Indian Major Carps
  • Exogenous - These are imported from outside of our Country
  • Indozenous - These are the Native Breeds

Mrigal, Catla, Rohu
Grass Carp, Common Carp, Silver Carp, Sea Bass
Traditional species like: Striped Murrel, Pangasius, Tilapia ..etc

The Popular Shrimp Species in the Market at present are:

  • Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
  • Indian River Prawn (Macrobrachium malcolmsonii)
  • Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon)
  • Indian White Shrimp(Penaeus indicus)
  • Pacific White Shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei)